African history Belief Poetry Racism & Anti-Blackness

African Muslimah, it’s litty

I’m never going to justify any of my identities I have a right to exist in every shape I please How you gon introduce yourself to me And question my Africanness because of my Muslim belief And my Islam because of this Black me Child, if you want I can be real petty How you […]

African history Belief Racism & Anti-Blackness

Dear non-Black Muslims, stop hiding behind the Qur’an, the Sunnah and Bilal (Radhiallahu ‘anhu / May God Be Pleased With Him)

  As-salam ‘alaykum. Yes, on top of being Black and a woman I am Muslim. Couldn’t get any better. Most of my family and friends are Black African Muslims so to me being Black and Muslim is the most common and normal thing in the world. When I went to the UK, however, I noticed […]