Racism & Anti-Blackness Reflections

White people will get me killed: on how they triggered my depression, anxiety and panic attacks

Dear children of the sun, after two years I am ready to tell you something I only shared with a very few people. A few days ago, my cousin and I had a very long conversation about many different things and then…we started talking about depression. We are two extremely similar people and have had […]

Racism & Anti-Blackness Reflections

On the violence and toxicity of Whiteness (Part 2)

I spent my last year in high school deciding in which university I was going to enrol. My first choice was Trieste, Italy but then I opted for Paris. Since I studied languages, it would have been a great opportunity for me to improve my fluency in French. I have many relatives there, one of my […]

Racism & Anti-Blackness Reflections

On the violence and toxicity of Whiteness (Part 1)

The following posts will be about my life experience around White people and how my relationship with them and understanding of racism changed before and after having lived in Birmingham, UK. Spending a year in Great Britain taught a lot about racism, White supremacy, Whiteness, Blackness, Africanness, colonialism and it helped me understand why some things were […]