

Racist white “scientists” elaborated theories to prove Africans’ inferiority and provided a “logical, reasonable, and objective” foundation to why our ancestors needed to be enslaved. Their pseudo-science started to feed off of itself with absurd eugenic and darwinian theories based on natural features such as the shape of one’s head or the length of one’s […]

African history Reflections

Oppressor like me

In 1622 Queen Nzinga went to Luanda to negociate peace treaties with the Portuguese. De Sousa, the governor, refused to give her a seat and instead offered her a mat. Refusing to be humiliated in front of him, Nzinga had a servant kneel down for her so that she could sit on his back. Many […]

African history Belief

We should go back to our African Spirituality

  African spirituality is a term I’ve come across in the Internet in the realm of Pan-Africanism, Hotepism and decolonisation of African people’s mind. “We should go back to our African spirituality” is what I hear in some of these circles. But my question is…what is African spirituality? Some argue that it’s what we Africans […]

Racism & Anti-Blackness Reflections


All White people are racist and when I say all I mean every single one of them. Those who live in the UK, in Europe, in the Americas, in South Africa, in Australia…it’s not a generalisation or an over-simplification, it’s the truth and sorry it will hurt you. No, not really. The (Oxford) definition of […]